Hand Grip For Transmitting Stress Through A Hand Strap To A Wrist Strap
Hand Grip For Transmitting Stress Through A Hand Strap To A Wrist Strap
- Dimitry Starominsky
- Patent Pending
A hand grip for transmitting tensile stress through a hand strap from an object, such as the bar of a barbell, being gripped to the wrist of the wearer without stressing the hand of the wearer, and extending around the bar of the barbell between the bar and the palm of the wearer.

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Detailed Description & Features
A hand grip for transmitting tensile stress through a hand strap from an object, such as the bar of a barbell, being gripped to the wrist of the wearer without stressing the hand of the wearer, and extending around the bar of the barbell between the bar and the palm of the wearer. A block of relatively firm material is secured to and projects from the hand grip in a position to be engaged by the fingers of the wearer to lessen the possibility of the hand grip opening to release the bar of the barbell. The block has a flat front and a outer surfaces forming an edge for engagement under the knuckle of at least one finger of the hand of the wearer, and the front surface projects from the hand strap sufficiently to avoid lessening the grasp of the block by the fingers of the wearer.